Autism Programme for Education Settings

Whether you are an Early Years setting wanting to understand more about neurodivergent children that you have attending your establishment or whether you are a university wishing to ensure that all your students are receiving the full support they are entitled to, we have programmes to suit your needs. 

At The Autism Training Network Ltd we believe that the correct support for individuals can only be given when there is true knowledge and understanding of the person and the condition. This being said, we also have an appreciation that logistically it is not feasible for an entire SENDCO team to attend face to face training at one time so we have created a range of accredited programmes tailored for each setting and demand.

These programmes are as follows:

The Autism Programme for Early Years Education Settings - 1 day - Virtual programme on Zoom
The Train the Trainer for Autism Programme for Early Years Education Settings - 2 days - Virtual on Zoom or Face-to-Face

The Autism Programme for Primary School Education Settings - 1 day - Virtual programme on Zoom
The Train the Trainer for Autism Programme for Primary School Education Settings - 2 days - Virtual on Zoom or Face-to-Face

The Autism Programme for Secondary School Education Settings - 1 day - Virtual programme on Zoom
The Train the Trainer for Autism Programme for Secondary School Education Settings - 2 days - Virtual on Zoom or Face-to-Face

The Autism Programme for Post 16 Education Settings - 1 day - Virtual programme on Zoom
The Train the Trainer for Autism Programme for Post 16 Education Settings - 2 days - Virtual on Zoom or Face-to-Face

All of our programmes are accredited with CPD UK and come with the equivalent CPD hours. Following completion of any of the above programmes, delegates will be issued with accredited certificate and detail of CPD hours and topics covered along with all relevant materials and further resource links. For the Train the Trainer programmes, delegates will be issued with all presentation materials, trainer guides, lesson plans and handouts for the successful cascade of the one-day programme to their colleagues. 

To book your place on the next available course please head to the store.