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We pride ourselves on bringing the most up to date information and content to our programmes and will always stay ahead of the developments in the neurodivergent world, so we can ensure that we are fully committed to pioneering change in for each and every neurodiverse person.
Our full list of programmes are in the list on the right with their full descriptions are below. All of our programmes are bookable through our booking system but you can access our dates of availability and prices by clicking on the Book Now buttons beside each course description.
Our 3.5 hour Accredited Pathological Demand Avoidance Programme offers insight and knowledge into individuals living with Pathological Demand Avoidance. We offer explanation and solutions into supporting those individuals and allow delegates to connect with others to better form support networks.
Our 3 hour Accredited Sensory Processing Programme catapults you into a world of all things sensory where you will look at the 8 senses, you will explore effective sensory areas and rooms and how your awareness surrounding sensory processing can enhance and promote healthy engagement.
Our 4-week virtual parent/carer workshops are designed with comfort in mind. They run for an hour in the evenings and give an overview of autism, look at sensory processing, explore communication styles and introduce Pathological Demand Avoidance.
Our 1 hour Autism Empowerment Workshop is all about introducing you to Autism and what it actually is. It is a cost effective way of giving yourself that little bit more knowledge without committing to a full programme.
The programme is a 2 day virtual programme that we have carefully developed that will allow you to deliver the Accredited programme virtually to your staff and still comply with the new Health and Social Care Act amendment.
The programme is fully Accredited and is mapped to the current Core Capabilities Frameworks for both Learning Disability and Autism. The programme does not require you to deliver this training face to face nor does it require you to deliver with Experts as the programme has been designed and created with the imbedded views and opinions of Experts of both Learning Disability and Autism throughout.
Our 3 hour accredited programme is designed and created by neurodiverse people to give employers an immersive experience into what it truly feels like to be neurodiverse in a neurotypical working world. Our programme explores what autism is and what it feels like, how to create a safe working environment that promotes equity not just equality, how communication within the workplace can be inclusive or exclusive, what reasonable adjustments are and how they can be implemented in a workplace.
Dates Coming Soon
Our programme has been designed and written in partnership with the parents of neurodivergent children to raise awareness and understanding surrounding the struggles of neurodivergent children within the education system. We explore what is actually experienced at the point of avoidance, some of the factors that could be contributing to refusal, how to break the cycle of refusal, myth busting and reasonable adjustments.
Dates Coming Soon
In our programme, we don’t just look at the speech and language elements of supporting autistic people, but we explore the differences of autistic people, and we look at increasing the knowledge and understanding of those staff who support people in their educational environments. We discuss suitable environments and the important of having sensory areas and rooms.
We also look at “challenging behaviour”, what it actually means and how the appropriate de-escalation techniques can minimise the trauma felt following behaviours.
The programme we offer is a one day virtual programme where delegates will cover topics such as: What is autism? Sensory processing and the benefits of sensory areas/rooms, Stress, anxiety and Mental Health, challenging behaviour and de-escalation techniques, Reasonable adjustments and how they can be made in educational settings
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